Mrs. Weasley Mitts

I love it so much when Mrs. Weasley sends her handknits to Ron and Harry, don’t you?

I named these mitts for Mrs. W. because, like her, they are cozy and generous and a little bit magic. The slipped-stitch cable on the top looks fancy but is super simple to execute. The gusseted thumb and extra-long ribbing under the wrist feel like a warm hug on your hand. And they're weirdly form-fitting AND stretchy.

These mitts land nicely in that sweet spot of interesting enough to be fun, but easy enough to be TV knitting.

Two sizes: XS/S is for petite paws; M is regular size.

Also, here's a printable pdf.

here's the difference between an XS/S (red) and S/M (lavender). going up to a size 7 needle will make your XS/S more S and your M more M/L.

here's the difference between an XS/S (red) and S/M (lavender). going up to a size 7 needle will make your XS/S more S and your M more M/L.


130ish yds of worsted weight yarn

size 6 needles

maaaybe a cable needle, if you don't like letting a stitch or two hang as you cable.



techniques explained

1x1 twisted rib: k1 tbl (put your needle through the back of the stitch); p1

no-needle C3B: slip 2 stitches off left needle and hold to back between pinched fingers; k1; return pinched stitches to left needle and knit them.

no-needle C3F: slip 1 stitch off left needle and let hang in front; k2; return hanging stitch to left needle and knit it.)

cable cast-on: Turn your work around, so the last stitch you knitted is now on the left needle. Knit into that stitch, then flip your new stitch over and put it onto the left needle. Knit into the just-flipped stitch, flip your new stitch over and put it on the left needle…..etc!

BO in ribbing: as you’re binding off, knit the knits and purl the purls.


Here we go: XS/S (M)

CO 36 (42)

Divide among 3 dpns: 9 / 18 / 9  (9 / 24 / 9).

Work 6 rounds of 1x1 twisted rib.

Rnd 7: 1x1 twisted rib for 9; [k2, sl2 wyib, k2] 3 (4) times; 1x1 twisted rib for 9

Rnd 8: repeat Rnd 7

Rnd 9: 1x1 twisted rib for 9; [no-needle C3B, no-needle C3F] 3 (4) times; 1x1 twisted rib for 9

Rnd 10: 1x1 twisted rib for 9; k 18 (24); 1x1 twisted rib for 9

Repeat Rnds 7-10 4 times.

Begin hand:

Rnd 27: k9; [k2, sl2 wyib, k2] 3 (4) times; k9

Rnd 28: repeat Rnd 27

Rnd 29: k9; [no-needle C3B, no-needle C3F] 3 (4) times; k9

Rnd 30: k36 (42)

Time for thumb gussets; these are side-specific.

Left hand:

All the action is on the first needle; needles 2 and 3 proceed exactly as Rnds 27-30. Do this on needle 1:

Rnd 31: k5, m1, k1, m1, k3

Rnd 32: k11

Rnd 33: k5, m1, k3, m1, k3

Rnd 34: k13

Rnd 35: k5, m1, k5, m1, k3

Rnd 36: k15

Rnd 37: k5, m1, k7, m1, k3

Rnd 38: k17

Rnd 39: k5, m1, k9, m1, k3

Rnd 40: k19

Rnd 41: k5, sl 11 stitches onto stitch holder, turn work & cable cast on 3st, k3

Rnd 42: k4, k2tog, k1, ssk, k2

Continue to Finish the hand.

Right hand:

All the action is on the third needle; needles 1 and 2 proceed exactly as Rnds 27-30. Do this on needle 3:

Rnd 31: k3, m1, k1, m1, k5

Rnd 32: k11

Rnd 33: k3, m1, k3, m1, k5

Rnd 34: k13

Rnd 35: k3, m1, k5, m1, k5

Rnd 36: k15

Rnd 37: k3, m1, k7, m1, k5

Rnd 38: k17

Rnd 39: k3, m1, k9, m1, k5

Rnd 40: k19

Rnd 41: k3, sl 11 stitches onto stitch holder, turn work & cable cast on 3st, k5

Rnd 42: k2, k2tog, k1, ssk, k4

Finish the hand:

Rnd 43: k9; [k2, sl2 wyib, k2] 3 (4) times; k9

Rnd 44: repeat Rnd 43

Rnd 45: k9; [no-needle C3B, no-needle C3F] 3 (4) times; k9

Rnd 46: k36 (42)

Repeat Rnds 43-46 three more times.

Work 6 rounds of 1x1 twisted rib; BO in ribbing.

Add thumb (both mitts):

Divide 11 held stitches onto two needles; use a third needle to pick up 6 stitches around thumbhole.

Rnd1: k17

Rnd 2: knit around, doing one k2tog on each needle.

Rnd 3: k14

Rnd 4: k14

Rnds 5-10: 1x1 twisted rib

BO in ribbing.