What are you waiting for?

Hello friends,

Some vital questions, as we near the year's end:

How would you change your life if you knew everything would work out fine?

If you trusted that you and your beloveds would be okay, no matter what?


How would you make a living if you knew you'd figure out how to be successful?

Where would you reside?

With whom would you share your life? 

In what would you invest your money?

In short:

What changes would help you make the most of this wild & precious life?

If you can't get past the idea of possible failure, go read this thing I wrote about that.


If you want to engage these questions meaningfully

If you want to make vitalizing changes in 2019

If you are ready to live generously, for yourself and for the world,

join me for the 2019 New Year's Evolution.

This year, my Evolution program includes:

* My next-level 75 page New Year's Evolution Workbook, which will help you reflect on 2018 and create deeply resonant intentions for 2019

* 33 days of multiplex support - Dec 30 through Jan 31 - to help you bring your intentions to life


* When you enroll by Dec 16, a Magic Kit to infuse some woo into your doings

* When you enroll yourself and a friend, super generous pricing and double Magic Kits


* If you want to attend my live New Year's Workshops, a $100 discount

* If you enroll by Mon, Dec 10 at midnight, a 30min 1:1 coaching session with me


I've been creating New Year's Evolution worksheets for years, and here's what my client/friend MaryKate wrote me about them:

I have used your New Year's workbooks and reflections for years (3? 4?) - and they are a true gift to my life. I am living in a more aligned, compassionate, and hopeful way because of the insights I have gained from this practice.

When I tell you this year's version is Next Level, I mean it. 

Let's go.


The obstacle is the opportunity.


Why time travel when you can get present?