Conjuring Fullest Self-Expression feat. Dine Watson

My love, I have for you today the most inspiring, powerful conjuring.

Bernardine Watson is a poet, writer, and author of an award-winning memoir.

She is a force of nature. She is glamorous. She is grounded.

I just pinch myself to tell you that Dine is also a friend of mine.

I asked Dine if she'd be willing to talk about what I think she does so well,

which is conjuring the fullest self-expression.

I hope you find this conversation as inspiring and motivating as I did.

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Bernardine (Dine) Watson is a nonfiction writer and poet who lives in Washington. Her memoir Transplant won the 2023 Washington Writers’ Publishing House prize for nonfiction. Dine was selected by Poets and Writers as one of their “5 over 50” for 2023 and will be featured in the magazine’s November/December issue.

My Build Your Trust (in) Funds group coaching starts TONIGHT!

Make Magic:

If you are not your whole full self,

the world will not know you, and

you will not know yourself.

It’s time to start treating yourself like

the main character in your own story.

Like you are the most important person in the world.

Transcript: Fullest Self-Expression feat. Dine Watson (coming soon)


A Spell for Making a Big Change


Rekindling: Self-Honoring Boundaries